3 Safety Tips to Combat Distracted Driving - Care2.com


According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA) most recent available data, nearly 3,500 people were killed in 2016, and close to 400,000 were injured in 2015 due to distracted driving. While distracted driving is defined as any activity that diverts attention from driving, cell phone use, particularly texting, is identified as one of the most alarming distractions. “Sending or reading a text takes your eyes off the road for five seconds,” says the NHTSA. “At 55 miles per hour, that’s like driving the length of an entire football field with your eyes closed.”

Read the full article here.

How To Build A Pull-Out Trash, Recycling And Compost System - Care2.com

recycling system

The dilemma of how to deal with three separate avenues for trash—recyclables, compost and everything else—has vexed me for nearly two years now, ever since we moved in to our new home, which had no built-in system. Then last month we found the perfect solution—one that wouldn’t cost us several hundred dollars. We built our own pull-out trash, compost and recycling system under our sink.

Read the full post here.