Tech Talk: 4 Smart Devices to Make Pet Care a Breeze (Video) -

Smart Home

Connect your pets to the Internet to help you monitor, feed, and care for them when you can’t be there.

Smart home devices let you check in on your home when you’re not there, giving you peace of mind that everything is okay. But did you know they can help you look after your pets? 

Read the full article and watch the video here.

Tech Talk: Start Your Smart Home For Under $200 (Video) -

Smart Home

A smart home doesn’t have to be an expensive home. Here are three ways you can add some cool, connected capabilities for under $200.

The idea of a fully automated smart home can be a little overwhelming, both in concept and cost. But you don’t need to go all-in on connected tech to benefit from it. Instead, install a few devices that address specific needs, provide some neat modern conveniences, and cost a lot less. 

Read the full article and watch the video here.

How smart home technologies can help with senior living - McKnight Senior Living

Connected technology in the home is a fast-growing area, providing inhabitants with enhanced conveniences, improved security and increased comfort. Known as “smart home tech,” everyday devices such as door locks, smoke alarms and thermostats use a connection to the internet, software programs and machine learning to provide added functionality and remote control.

Read the full post here.