5 Ways Smart Home Tech Can Keep Your Kids Safe | Parenting Squad

Home security once felt like a boring, expensive concept — call up a legacy security company, hand over a pile of cash, and then forget about it until disaster strikes (or your daughter sneaks in through the back window and sets it off at 2 a.m.).

Before you had kids, home security was probably one of those things you thought you should have, but never got around setting up. But once you have a family, that parental urge to fiercely protect your young finally drives you to open your wallet.

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A Home Automation Guide for Apartment Living - HotPads Blog

Smart Apartment Living

If you live in an apartment, perhaps you’ve heard the terms smart home and home automation and shrugged them off as the realm of suburban homeowners. Today’s smart home devices, however, are being designed with portability in mind, making them perfect for renters. If you want to lower your utility bills, increase your safety and make your apartment more comfortable, it’s time to tune in to the smart home revolution... Read more here.