The Ultimate Guide: Protecting Your Kids Online - Modern Parents Messy Kids

Children using the internet is a modern parenting dilemma.

How can we let them enjoy and benefit from this world-changing, infinitely educational tool that can span the globe in seconds while also protecting them from its potential dangers? Setting aside the issue of how much “screen time” children should have, here we will look at how to make that screen time safe, fun and productive—whether you are thinking of letting your preschooler play with your iPad or considering buying a computer or smartphone for your pre-teen.

Read the full post here.

5 Essential iPad Apps for the Work From Home Parent

I’m a cliché. A 30-something mom, with two kids at home, for whom “the thought of not having a flexible schedule bums me out.” So, I took control of my life and joined the ranks of the self-employed, giving up my secure, corporate job in journalism to become a freelance writer.

In my experience, one thing has made this possible: my iPad. Today’s technological advances are a game-changer for parents that work from home. Tablets and smartphones afford the flexibility to keep on top of your work from anywhere, something every parent knows is essential when you combine active children with an unpredictable schedule.

The following apps have made the iPad indispensable to my workflow during times I couldn’t be at my desk, and, as a bonus, my ally in managing my family of four.